Better late than never…

Oh how the difference of a year makes…. I think back to this time last year. I was living in Florida away from all of my family and friends and working a job I hated. I was crying almost every day wondering why it was so hard to be happy. I have never been so miserable in my life. Finally, I was able to snap out of my misery long enough to do something about it. I quite the job I hated, got of a negative relationship and moved back home to Kentucky.

Fast forward to now… I have a career I truly enjoy and am passionate about, someone who makes me feel so loved and appreciated and I am closer to all of my family and friends than ever. It is seriously crazy to think back to this time last year and how I felt. I had gotten so down on myself, I had literally lost all of my self-love and confidence.

It wasn’t easy to get out of this rut, however I made it! I made myself me again. I feel better now than I have in years. And, honestly, all I had to do was change my mind set. I had to think positive and reassure myself that I could do it, I could be happy again.

When people use to tell me that all you need to do is think positive, I thought they were crazy. However, I can tell you from this firsthand experience that changing your mindset really does change your whole outlook on life. Everyone deserves happiness, and I am hoping by sharing this experience even if you are in one of your darkest days this lets you know there is a way out.

Dog mom tip #14: Never give up on finding your happiness.

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