Question Master


I like to know everything. I mean who doesn’t right? So in order to find out the information I am seeking I tend to ask a lot of questions. I never really thought I asked more questions than any normal person… but apparently I do.

My X boyfriend use to call me the “questions master”. He would always make me feel bad for asking questions, like I was annoying him or that it was a bother to him. I never understood why… I always grew up hearing “knowledge is power” and to gain knowledge you have to ask questions.

Maybe I should do more research on my own before asking questions… but sometimes I just can’t help it. Ideas and thoughts start running through my mind creating a question and before I know it, I have already asked someone if they know the answer. Does this happen to anyone else?  Should I feel bad for asking questions?

I personally don’t think I should feel bad for asking questions… I think it is part of my personality someone should embrace and it should intrigue them that I want to learn. I would love to hear your all’s opinions… Is there such thing as asking too many questions?


Never question your dreams…

Dog mom tip #15:   Never question how much love you give your pup… you can never give them too much 🙂